
  • Josta Bernstädt

    Gestalttherapie mit erwachsenen Kindern aus Alkoholiker-Familien

    Holistic Recovery: A Handbook for those affected and therapists

    EHP – Edition Humanistische Psychologie

    This book offers important self-experience-oriented explorations. It is aimed at both affected clients and therapists who want to work on this topic with their clients using gestalt therapy. In addition, it may also be of interest to the numerous therapists who themselves come from alcoholic families and have never worked on this aspect of their biography in the depth and thoroughness presented here. The volume is supplemented with a comprehensive set of tools for therapeutic practice, for self-awareness and self-control for patients, which is available to readers online free of charge.

    Handouts for this book are also available online [follow this link]


    Published by EHP Verlag on July 1st, 2023
    Language: German
    ISBN-10: 3897975858


    [available here]


    “Josta Bernstädt masterfully tackles an explosive, complex, socio-political topic. The fruitful connections of her well-founded theoretical explanations with experience-based practical aspects are stimulating. This book is a true gift for those affected and professionals!”
    Nancy Amendt-Lyon, Gestalt therapist

    “A book that explains from a gestalt therapy perspective what consequences growing up in an alcoholic family can have.”
    Dr. Bärbel Wardetzki, Gestalt Therapist and Author


  • Josta Bernstädt / Stefan Hahn

    Gestalttherapie mit Gruppen

    Now  available in a Chinese translation:

    Handbook for training and practice – translation into Mandarin.

    This handbook is the first comprehensive, monographic introduction to gestalt therapy work with groups. The numerous practical examples and the extensive appendix with exercises and experiments make it a reference work for daily psychotherapeutic practice.

    Published on Posts & Telecom Press Co., LTD on March 1, 2022

    ISBN: 9787115582270
    hier erhältlich


    Origin of the Chinese translation

    It was in late autumn 2014 when I surprisingly received an invitation from the IGW-Würzburg to conduct a one-week course in Gestalt group therapy for around 20 Chinese trainees in Austria in the summer of 2015.

    In October 2018 I was again invited by the IGW-Würzburg, this time to travel to Fuzhou (China) for the second international Gestalt conference to present my book “Gestalt therapy with groups” and then to lead a workshop lasting several days on this subject. An adventurous undertaking that left lasting impressions. What impressed me most was the generous hospitality and curiosity.

    The next surprise came in late summer 2019: my translator at the time, Ruilu Yang, offered to translate the book. She is convinced that this practical manual could be very interesting for Chinese group leaders and Gestalt therapists.

    Professor Zhiqin Sang from the University of Nanjing, cooperation partner of the IGW training program in Nanjing, is also interested in the translation project and would be happy to support it.

    A publisher was found, the contract negotiations dragged on for a while, and now two and a half years later, in March 2022, it finally appeared on the market.

    Many thanks to Ruilu Yan for her very competent and sensitive translation and to Professor Zhiqin Sang for her dedicated support. Only with the persistent determination of both of them could the project be successfully completed; and from what I understand, the book has already received a good response from Chinese experts.


    “Leading a group has a dynamic like sailing in the sea, not only exciting, creative, flexible, but also promotes my trust in the group and in myself. I very much hope that with the publication of this book in China, more aspiring Gestalt therapists will choose Gestalt therapy “Be able to get involved with groups.”
    Dr. YE Bin, Supervisor, Director of Research and Training Center for Youth Education in Mental Health of East China Normal University

    “Josta Bernstädt is one of the few Gestalt therapists with a pure and romantic temperament that I have met. She is curious about everything around her, and with her smile and smiling eyes you want to get closer to her. The sentence of is often heard in conversation to hear her in Chinese with German tinge “Slow down, take your time” (Man Man Lai in Pinyin).
    I am confident that after reading the book, you would know well the professionalism, skillful handling of Josta as well as the meaning of the phrase “Take your time”.
    LIN Fang, Chief physician in Jiazhou-Psychological Outpatient Clinic in Fuzhou, Vice Director of Gestalt Group of Committee of Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Chinese Psychological Society

    “The bookGestalttherapy with Groupsleads us on a journey of discovery of our soul, full of curiosity, speculation and creativity.”
    Prof. Dr. SHI Qijiia, Professor of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Vice Director of Gestalt Group of Committee of Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Chinese Psychological Society

    “The book not only teaches you how to lead a group, but is a step-by-step instruction on how to develop your own style. As the author shared: “as a leader you must always reinvent yourself!”
    Dr. Annette Hillers-Chen, Associate Professor of Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences of University Zhejiang


  • November 2017 – Josta Bernstaedt

    Publication of my article in the journal Gestalttherapie

    About dealing with shame and resistance in Gestalt therapy

    An introduction

    This article is primarily addressed to therapists in order to sharpen their view of shame processes. These are often not recognized as such, but instead interpreted as resistance of the client with regard to therapeutic progress. However, unrecognized shame processes are often the reason for therapy discontinuations. The reader receives experiential suggestions for a more mindful approach to shame in therapeutic practice.

    Published by EHP Verlag ISSN 0933-4238
    Published by DVG; 31st year Issue 2/2017.

    [available here]

  • May 2013 – Josta Bernstaedt

    Publication of my article in the journal Gestalttherapie

    Gestalt therapy in the correctional system

    In the article, the author gives a deep insight into her therapeutic work in a psychiatric hospital. The thematic focal points of this work include the patients’ high potential for aggression and propensity for violence with simultaneous latent suicidal tendencies and depression.

    Published by EHP Verlag ISSN 0933-4238
    Published by DVG; 27th volume Issue 1/2013

    [available here]


  • July 2010 – Josta Bernstädt / Stefan Hahn

    Gestalttherapie mit Gruppen

    Manual for training and practice – Language: German

    With a foreword by Bud Feder and an interview with Gordon Wheeler.

    This handbook is the first comprehensive, monographic introduction to Gestalt therapy work with groups. The numerous practical examples and the extensive appendix with exercises and experiments make it a reference work for daily psychotherapeutic practice.

    published by EHP-Verlag Andreas Kohlhage, 2010

    304 pages; ISBN: 978-3-89797-065-6 
    [available here]

    Gestalt Therapy with Groups is also available in bookshops or directly from the publisher.

    We are happy to offer a personal book presentation and reading on request.